ediciones, la, luz, fil, ciego, de, avila
Poet Luis Yussef representing Ediciones La Luz in Ciego de Avila stop of the Book Fair

Ediciones La Luz in Book Fair across Cuban provinces

Since the beginning of the 32nd International Book Fair in Havana, Ediciones La Luz, a publishing house of the Hermanos Saíz Association (AHS) in Holguin, has had an outstanding participation in the extension of this event in different Cuban provinces.

In Camagüey, according to publications on its Facebook account, it presented part of its most recent catalog, which distinguishes it among the most renowned Cuban publishing houses, and which includes the theater book Teoría de las flores salvajes, by Katherine Perzant, and the poetry notebooks Hojarasca de las formas, Rituales de la culpa and Análisis de la forma, by Erian Peña, José Luis Laguarda and Ana G. Ramos, respectively.

Also, along with the presentation of the novel Al son de la calavera, by Andres Cabrera, the calls for the XXV Celestino Short Story Award -to be held from June 10 to 15- and the “Mi nombre es Celestino” poster salon were proposed.

This event was also an opportunity for Ediciones La Luz to share its experience in the production of electronic books, from the audiobook, ebook or interactive PDF format.

Several titles published by this publishing house from Holguín were also presented recently in the Ciego del Ánima square, on the occasion of the Book Fair in Ciego de Avila.

The books of poetry Consejos para no atacar, by Miguel Barnet, distinguished with the Grand Reader’s Prize at the 32nd Havana International Book Fair, and El árbol del mundo. Selección de poetas en Holguín, which received the La puerta de papel award at that event.

Havana International Book Fair set record with 56 participating nations. A total of 725,933 copies were sold, a higher figure than the previous year, according to data from the Cuban Book Institute.

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