authorities, holguin, visit, LaVozNiguel, moa

La Voz del Níquel celebrates 45 years on the air

The radio station CMKV La Voz del Níquel celebrated this June 24 the 45th anniversary of…

Gibara, film, festival, poster, holguin

The 18th Gibara International Film Festival nears

At a press conference held on July 22 in Havana, the organizing committee of the 18th…

Archaeological, studies

Economic blockade affects archeological studies in Holguín

The limitations in the studies of carbon to archeological pieces stand out among the affectations of…

Edelis, Loyola, holguin, singer, songwriter

CMKO microphones opened to singer Edelis Loyola (+Video)

“La piñata” and “El piojo” are songs that accompany more than one generation of Cubans. In…

guarch, content, casa, iberoamerica

Called in Holguin José Manuel Guarch Delmonte Award

With the purpose of encouraging and spreading the knowledge of archeological, historical, cultural, economic and political…

norberto, leyva, musician, holguin

Norberto Leyva and his band present new album in Holguín

With a presentation in his homeland, Nicaro -a town in the municipality of Mayarí- Norberto Leyva…

archeological, ollections, holguin

Studies of archaeological collections carried out in Holguin

Holguin develops studies of archaeological collections as part of the programs of conservation of the aboriginal…

brigade, artistic, holguin

Artists from Holguín take their art to rural communities

Artists from Holguín are joining forces this summer to bring culture and art to the province’s…

concienciarte, holguin

Second Concienciarte symposium begins in Holguín

With more than 50 lectures and 70 participants from all over Cuba, the second symposium of…

battery, fernando, gibara

Fernando VII Battery restored in Gibara

The restoration of Fernando VII Battery, foundational site of the coastal city of Gibara, in the…