Aedes, aegypti, mosquito, dengue, fever, holguin

Holguin deploys greater vector control

The Provincial Center of Hygiene, Epidemiology and Microbiology of Holguin will promote greater vector control in…

gala, anniversary, 66, cuban, revolution, holguin

Holguin Gala for the 66th years of the Cuban Revolution

With a political-cultural gala in front of La Periquera Provincial Museum Holguin celebrated the 66th anniversary…

Cuba, Argentina, flags

Argentina and Cuba: only greatness begets peoples

To the historical truth that relations between Argentina and Cuba have not always been harmonious -even…

celebration, triumph,cuban,revolution, rafael, freryre, holguin

Anniversary 66th of the Revolution observed in Holguin

With the certainty of continuing to defend the conquests of the Cuban Revolution, the people from…

Santiago de Cuba remembers armed uprising of 1956

  Cuba remembers today the armed uprising carried out 68 years ago in Santiago de Cuba…

killing, eight, students, medical, cuba, havana

Cuba remembers execution of 8 medical students

Cuba today commemorates the 153rd anniversary of the killing of the eight medical students, considered one…

parliament, cuba

Ordinary Session of the National Assembly is convened in Havana

The President of the National Assembly of People’s Power, Esteban Lazo Hernández, convened the Fourth Ordinary…

fidel, castro.

Fidel Castro is alive in Cuba’s battles for sovereignty

All Cuba today remembers the historic leader of the Revolution, Fidel Castro Ruz, eight years after…

cannon, museum, holguin

Holguin encourages project for safeguarding museum objects

A project aimed at safeguarding museum objects is being developed by heritage specialists in the province…

ventura, carballido, history, memory

Holguin: Researchers develop project on historical memory

The First Provincial Workshop “The Memory that Saves“, led by intellectual Ventura Carballido Pupo, creator of…