New social works in Holguin in salute to July 26th

Among the social works to be inaugurated in the municipality of Gibara, Holguín, on the occasion…

Jesus-, estupinan, ricardo, visit, ucmho

Latin American Association of Neutrosophic Sciences in Holguin

The University of Medical Sciences of Conference on non-communicable diseases concludes in Holguín (UCMHo) recently received…

non-communicable, diseases, Conference, Holguin

Conference on non-communicable diseases concludes in Holguín

Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are annually among the first causes of mortality at global, national and local…

summer, cuurse, holguin, youths

Summer course for young people held in Holguín

The second course for the formation of health promoters planned for the summer period by the…

graduation, new, health, professionals, holguin

Holguin graduates health professionals from different medical fields

At the campus Comandante Arides Estevez Sanchez of the University of Medical Sciences of Holguin, this…

vaccine, anti, influenza, holguin

Anti-flu vaccination campaign started in Holguín

In Holguin, the anti-influenza vaccination campaign for 2024 is underway with the aim of preventing serious…

University, Sciences, Medical, Holguin

Holguin Medical Sciences University, high scientific-teaching level

The University of Medical Sciences of Holguin (UCMHo), the third with the highest enrollment in the…

epidemiological, surveilliance

Holguin prioritizes epidemiological surveillance during summer

Epidemiological surveillance is a priority in the province of Holguin in the summer season, period when…

Cuban Viceminister tours health facilities in Holguin

Doctor in Medical Sciences Reinol Delfín García, Viceminister of Public Health toured for two days sanitary…

Summer courses in Holguin to train health promoters

Topics related to adolescent pregnancy, drug use and sexually transmitted infections are some of the issues…