Prize Nuevas Voces Holguin

New Voices of Poetry 2024 award awarded to Holguin writer

The New Voices of Poetry 2024 award, recognition for emerging writers from across the country, was…

Clinical Trial of Jusvinza

Holguin will be part of a new clinical trial with Jusvinza

The use of Jusvinza in patients with rheumatoid arthritis with moderate to severe activity left positive…

Wetlands in the north of the province of Holguin.

Citma promotes actions to preserve wetlands

The Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (Citma in the Spanish acronym) in the province of…

codanza, holguin

Kardia, Codanza’s World premiere in Holguin

The world premiere of the piece Kardia, as part of the season of the contemporary dance…

Aedes, aegypti, mosquito, dengue, fever, holguin

Holguin deploys greater vector control

The Provincial Center of Hygiene, Epidemiology and Microbiology of Holguin will promote greater vector control in…

felton, maintenance

Maintenance works go on at Felton Power Plant

Since January 30, workers from the Lidio Ramón Pérez Thermoelectric Power Plant in Felton and the…