assembly, ninth, congress, anec, holguin
Ninth ANEC provincial assembly held in Holguín

Ninth ANEC provincial assembly held in Holguín

Holguin held the ninth provincial assembly of the Association of Economists and Accountants of Cuba (ANEC), where the main challenges, achievements and projects for 2024 were analyzed after the debate on the work carried out in the last five years.

On the presence of Oscar Luis Hung Penton, national president of ANEC, several speeches in the plenary session were related to the need to strengthen the internal life of the organization and the extension of training actions to new economic actors that benefit local development.

Economists and accountants from Holguín also discussed the difficulties of some budgeted units generated by the emigration of specialists in this field to other state or private entities in search of better economic remuneration.

Likewise, the delegates -accompanied by political and governmental representatives of the territory, directors of companies and invited organizations- ratified the commitment to continue the good professional practices in favor of the internal control and supervision of the main economic processes of the province.

They also exercised their right to vote to select the new ANEC provincial executive, the candidates for the national executive and the delegates to the ninth Congress, scheduled for June 12-14, 2024.

A special moment was the presentation of awards to economists with 20 and 45 years of service in the Association, among them Teresita Olaya González Naranjo, Roberto Ricardo Peña, Carlos Manuel Balan Carballo, Eduardo Méndez Domínguez and Tairi Hernández Alberteris.

At the closing ceremony, Oscar Luis Hung Penton, national president of ANEC, announced the members of the new executive of the organization in Holguín, which in its first meeting ratified as its president Ms.C. Jorge Luis Sánchez Infante, who will lead the work of the economists and accountants of the province in the next five years.

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