epidemiological, surveilliance

Holguin prioritizes epidemiological surveillance during summer

Epidemiological surveillance is a priority in the province of Holguin in the summer season, period when…

mango, fair, holguin,

Defeating illegalities: A political battle that cannot be postponed

The VIII Plenary Session of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba, which will…

electric, tricycles, transportation, holguin

Holguin with new electric tricycles for transportation

A group of 20 new electric tricycles, provided by Holguin’s Taxi Agency No. 2, ease the…

Drones, holguin

Holguín uses drones for economic and social development

The use of drones for the benefit of the economy and society is increasing throughout Cuba…

agriculture, plantain

Experimental methods used in Holguín for banana harvesting

The Agricultural Extension, Research and Training Unit (Ueica), applies in Holguin province experimental methods in banana…

national, vanguard, holguin

Holguin: 26 work places reach the National Vanguard status

The celebrations in Holguin for May Day, International Workers’ Day, have the pride generated by the…

hypertension, world, day

Arterial hypertension, an update in Holguín

Among the activities planned in the province of in Holguin to celebrate the World Arterial Hypertension…


Joel Queipo Ruiz elected new first secretary of the Party in Holguin

This Saturday took place the plenary session of the Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of…

uneac, meeting, holguin

Artists address importance of community work in Holguin

The importance of community work and the shortcomings of economic issues faced by creators in the…

gala, anniversary, 63, Easter, Army, Cuba

Celebrated in Holguin the 63rd Anniversary of the Eastern Army

The Eastern Army (EO) of the Revolutionary Armed Forces, which protects the territories of Camagüey, Las…