Ophthalmological booklet, center, retinosis, albinism, holguin
Delivery of prescription cards for patients with low vision. Photo: Courtesy of Iliana Pupo Herrerra.

Ophthalmological booklet for Retinitis Pigmentosa – Albinism Center

Before the donation of an ophthalmological booklet by Casa de Iberoamerica to the Provincial Center for Retinitis Pigmentosa and Albinism, it was difficult to work with patients with visual impairment of less than five percent of vision. Although the Holguín Ophthalmology Center has one of these charts, its use had to be coordinated in advance and transferred to this facility.

Ophthalmological booklet, Retinitis Pigmentosa, Albinism

Hence the usefulness of this booklet from now on, according to the center’s optometrist Maylen Fonseca Aguilera: “We are very happy and grateful for the donation of this William Feinbloom’s booklet. It is very expensive in other countries and thanks to the coordination with Casa de Iberoamérica many patients will benefit from it”.

Bárbara Martínez, representative of this institution and General Coordinator of the Albinism Community, thanked this humane contribution that made possible the printing and binding of the booklet that will improve the quality of life of people with low vision. “We, as part of the project, collaborate and contribute with the needs of this community”.

Ophthalmological booklet, Retinitis Pigmentosa, Albinism

She also expressed that patients with this health condition will have “a better chance of visual graduation to be able to obtain the glasses they need so much”.

Thus, this Ophthalmological booklet favors the care of people with low vision at the Provincial Center for Retinitis Pigmentosa and Albinism, who most of the time were referred to other services. Now they will be able to meet their ophthalmologic care needs in a single space.

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