women, empowerment, sugar, sector, holguin
As part of the day for March 8, International Women's Day, the Provincial Workshop on Women's Empowerment in the sugar sector of Holguin was held. Photo: Osvaldo Pérez

Provincial Workshop on gender held in Holguin

With the goal of achieving the empowerment of women in the sugar sector, in terms of their economic and sustainable growth and promotion of gender equality, Holguin Provincial Workshop was held with the participation of representatives of the five companies of the sector in the province of Holguin and other entities supporting sugar production.

Having as starting point that “Behind every great woman, there is a story that turned her into a warrior” in plenary session, the participants had the opportunity to listen and expose criteria of each one of the works presented.

This workshop, which is developed as part of the activities for the celebration of March 8, “International Women’s Day”, was attended by PhD. Aurora García Gutiérrez, president of the Gender Chair of the University of Holguín, MSDc. Yoenia Merencio Rosello, director of the coordination group of AZCUBA, and engineer Bertha Julia Noris of the Cuban Color Group.

A crucial moment was the representation of the presence of Haitian women in Urbano Noris and their role during the Neocolonial period in the sugar cane cuttings, sale of sweets, sugar cane derivatives and in the different tasks of the Sugar Agroindustry.

Meanwhile, the topic of silent violence in the labor and social context presented by representatives of the University of Holguin, was the object of a deep analysis, because this is one of the ways in which violence is expressed in a silent way, since only 3.7 percent have gone to ask for help.

This situation cannot be postponed because it is a passive-aggressive relationship, with the proposal of reflection workshops with decision-makers, with essential educational content, in order to achieve women’s autonomy, exercising personal and social rights.

Encouraging, from the corporate level, mediators to identify the existence of a labor and social conflict, and moving forward, they work in local communities with social prevention commissions.

For example, teenage pregnancy is a real fact that affects the territory of Holguin and needs the joint support of everyone in our society.

On the other hand, the application of educational software in the gender perspective, and the learning that can be carried on USB flash drives, was valued as very positive, as it is a tool available to everyone, from the family to schools and the business level.

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