ediciones, aldabon, award, book, fair, holguin

Awarded Aldabón Ediciones at Holguín Book Fair

The Award to the Best Edition 2024 was granted to Las aguas y el espejo. Especulaciones…

frank, fernandez, pianist, holguin

U.S. band to pay tribute to Holguin-born pianist Frank Fernandez

Metro Big Band, an American group directed by Camp Kirkland, will pay tribute to Holguin-born pianist…

Holguin Cerveceros runners-up of National Press Softball Tourney

Nobody could have foreseen that the final for the championship of the XXI National Press Softball…

Yordan, Manduley, baseball, holguin

Holguin short stop Manduley will reinforce Matanzas in semifinals      

Short stop Yordan Manduley Escalona, a player of Holguin team, will reinforce the Cocodrilos of Matanzas…