Holguin Cerveceros runners-up of National Press Softball Tourney

Nobody could have foreseen that the final for the championship of the XXI National Press Softball Tournament would be so evenly matched between the journalists from Holguin and the super favorites from Medios Nacionales (Havana).

Holguin managed to reduce and tie a wide initial disadvantage, and even in the fifth inning, they were ahead in the scoreboard (13-12), supported by the powerful offense that took them this far and by an accurate relief of the right-hander Luis Mario Rodriguez Suñol, who from the first chapter did not give more liberties to the powerful batsmen from the Cuban capital city.

cerveceros, holguin, Softball, cuban, Press
The Cerveceros of Holguin did it great in the Softball tourny of the Cban Press.
The momentum of the hosts at the offence forced the National Champions of the last nine editions to use their main trump card from the mound, ultrasonic thrower Carlos Michel Perdomo, who in pre-competition statements had said he would not pitch in this tournament, something that had been fulfilled until this final.

In what can be considered a historic feat of softball in the Holguin press, the Cerveceros arrived at the conclusion of the 7th and last inning with parity at 13 on the scoreboard. With two outs and bases loaded, Alejandro Rodríguez hit a long home run through the left field to leave the combative Cerveceros lying on the Calixto García field, who sold their defeat and won the gold medal of this sporting event.

The third place went to the Terremotos of Camagüey.

To our colleagues of the Holguin team all the recognition for this brilliant and unprecedented performance, a sub-championship that tastes like glory.

Members of the press softball team, Holguin

Softball game, press, Holguin.

Baseball Stadium, Holguín, Softball, Press

cerveceros, holguin, medios, nacionales, Softball, Press
Cerveros of Holguin vs National Media in the final of the XXI National Press Softball Tournament. Photo: Yamila Pupo Otero

The XXI National Tournament of the Press Holguin 2024 lived this Saturday the day of awards and closing, after officializing the headquarters of the event, in 2025, in the province of Matanzas.

With information from Swing Deportivo Radio Angulo

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