verdecia, writer, holguin

Translation: Broad linguistic, aesthetic, spiritual learning process

Manuel García Verdecia can be summed up in a single word: “Literary Café”. Every Thursday at…

love, mambi, brides, cuba

Love and Death in the Land of the Mambi

Some Mambi mistresses had, as far as posterity is concerned, much better luck than those of…

Kill or die in Sagua de Tánamo

The history of Sagua de Tánamo during the War of 1868 hides several unanswered questions yet.…

cesar, hidalgo, recording, Huellas

César Hidaldo, absolutely dangerous

César Hidalgo Torres is capable of penetrating into the most intimate part of his home at…

calixto, garcia, holguin

An old dream of Holguin people

An old dream of Holguin people The origin of Holguin has very humble roots. There is…