plenary, ctc, holguin
Plenary session of the Provincial Committee of the Cuban Woerkes Confederation (CTC) in Holguin

Plenary Session of CTC Provincial Committee held in Holguín

Issues of economic and social interest focused the debates during the plenary session of the Provincial Committee of the Cuban Workers Confederation (CTC) held in Holguin.

In the forum, with the participation of Ismael Drullet Pérez, member of the National Secretariat of the CTC; Idalmis Serrano Gómez, general secretary of the organization in the province, the attendants analyzed the fulfillment of the agreements adopted in the previous plenary session, the presentation of the plan and budget of the economy and other issues that affect its functioning in the territory.

In this sense, reflection and timely criticism led to the evaluation of the fight against crime in the workplaces, the payment of utilities and innovation, aspects that were especially relevant in the interventions of the municipal secretaries.

Also during the work session, and in view of their relevance in the current context, actions were proposed to direct the economy by correcting distortions.

These respond to shortcomings of the CTC that require immediate solutions, among them, achieving greater commitment to the organization, the unionization of new economic actors, the weak articulation of activists in social networks and the inefficiency of the work systems.

In this scenario, the municipal committees of Moa, “Rafael Freyre” and “Calixto García” were recognized for the results achieved in the fulfillment of their mission within the movement.

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