VII National Apunto Journalism Symposium ends in Holguin

apunto, event, journalism
Poster of Apunto journalism event

The VII National Symposium of Journalism Apunto with the slogan “I’m not a Robot” ended successfully on Friday, March 29 at the Celia Sanchez Manduley Hall of the University of Holguin.

Poster Apunto Symposium, University of Holguín

Today’s symposium was attended by Germán Veloz, president of the Union of Cuban Journalists (UPEC) in the province, and officials of the Communist Party of Cuba in the territory. Also present were Yaquelín Cruz, dean of the Faculty of Communication and Literature of this university, professors and students.

As foreseen in the program of activities, the second and third year students of Journalism presented the university blogs La wawa and No Somos Mipyme, respectively. In addition, awards were given to works in the modalities of Print Journalism, Radio, Audiovisual, Hypermedia and New Narratives.

There was also a virtual exchange in the Telegram channel Apunto 2024, created for the event, where teachers and students discussed Artificial Intelligence, the tools that can be used in the different stages of journalistic exercise, its effectiveness in the academic field, as well as its use in the provincial press media.

Despite the fact that Artificial Intelligence plays a fundamental role in communication, especially in multimedia and transmedia spaces, most of the criteria agreed on the lack of spaces for exchange on the subject in all educational fields as an alternative to prevent the abusive use of such technological advances.

After several cultural activities the head of department of the Journalism career, Barbara Sicilia Rojas, invited all students who are trained in this profession in the country to participate next year in Apunto, a space for debate and socialization among students, to express from their perspectives points of view, concerns and solutions to the challenges of journalistic practice in Cuba.

With information from Sheila Aguilera Riquenes/ Journalism Student

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