casita, infantil, cristino
Cristino Naranjo sugar company builds the first children's house in Holguin. Photo: Roxana Guisado Fernández

Holguin sugar sector builds first casita for its children

The search for solutions for working mothers without the possibility of enrolling their children in a day-care center is the premise for which a new casita infantil (children’s day care house) is being prepared in the municipality of Cacocum, in Holguin province.

It belongs to Cristino Naranjo Agroindustrial Sugar Company, and it has the particularity of being the only one of its kind in the province of Holguin linked to the sector.

According to Dixán Mojena Arzuaga, general director of Education in the territory, the construction is in phase of completion, and the preparation of the educational assistants with the necessary level for the care of the future enrollees is guaranteed.

Apart from the children of the workers of this company, it is foreseen that other infants of mothers from different sectors of the society in Cacocum will have access to this service, Mojena expressed.

The construction of the casita infantil “Azucareros del futuro” is expected to be finished next April 4th in the town of Cristino Naranjo.

This educational center responds to the need to meet the demands of Holguin’s demographic dynamics, as part of Cuba’s social policy to encourage the birth rate. Its opening is also an alternative to the lack of capacity in day care centers.

Ramón Aguilera Ávila, director of Cristino Naranjo agroindustrial company, explained that the casita infantil arose as part of the actions implemented in the country to transform the sugar sector and offer women workers an option for the care and education of their children.

This work is currently at 70 percent completion. The bathroom and kitchen plateau have been finished, and work continues on other construction projects.

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