Counsil, provincial, feem, holguin
Provincial Council of FEEM held in Holguín

Provincial Council of FEEM held in Holguín

With the participation of 60 delegates, Cuba‘s Federation of High School Students (FEEM) in Holguin held its Provincial Council to deal with core issues regarding its functioning.

The plenary session, presided over by Amanda Santos Viamontes, FEEM’s maximum leader in the country, was marked by the participation of students who expressed the concerns and challenges faced by the organization.

During the debate, the delegates signified their work priorities at this stage, their work as continuators of the work of the Revolution and the duty of the student body to lead our country to a safe harbor.

Among the main proposals, they highlighted the commitment to achieve better results in the Higher Education Entrance Exams and in this sense, they proposed to transform the deficiencies that still persist.

On the other hand, they referred to the willingness of women to join the Military Service, not only because of what it represents for the future of the country, but also because of its role in the integral formation of women and their preparation to assume important responsibilities in all sectors.

To promote conscious study and systematic improvement as the main individual and collective need, exhorted Ana Laura Campello Perez, provincial president of FEEM, who also emphasized the improvement of vocational training and professional orientation, experiences that constitute dissatisfaction for the student organization.

The Provincial Council concluded with the presentation of the new secretariat, headed by Daniela Reyes Monet as president of the FEEM in Holguin, who will assume new strategies to achieve greater unity among its members and fulfill the proposed objectives.

Accompanying the young people in the debate were Ernesto Santiesteban Velázquez, first secretary of the Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba in the territory; Manuel Hernández Aguilera, governor of the province, among other representatives of the Young Communist League.

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