holguin, university, students, homage, 13, marzo, cuba
Holguinero students at the ceremony in honor of José Antonio Echeverría on the 67th anniversary of his fall in combat during the March 13 actions against the tyranny of Fulgencio Batista. Photo: @radioangulo

Holguin university students commemorate the events of March 13

University students in Holguin remembered the events of March 13, 1957, when a group of young people led by José Antonio Echeverría assaulted the Presidential Palace and took over Radio Reloj radio station in Havana.

From early hours, the XX Anniversary Avenue of the capital city witnessed the traditional march to Oscar Lucero Moya headquarters of the University of Holguin, where the main event took place.

Post, Jose, antonio, echeverria
Post José Antonio Echeverria

Post, José Antonio Echeverría

In the presence of Ernesto Santiesteban Velázquez, member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) and first secretary of the PCC in the province, and Manuel Hernández Aguilera, governor of the territory, the members of the University Student Federation (FEU) paid tribute to the martyrs of this heroic deed who, upon their failure, were assassinated at the hands of Batista’s police.

Remembered today by the new generations, in spite of not fulfilling their main objectives, they marked a milestone in the country’s history and today they are an example for the members of the FEU.

On behalf of the university community present José Ángel Campos Arca, president of this youth movement at the University of Medical Sciences, ratified the will of the youth to build a better future for Cuba, as proof that great tasks can be rested on young people.

The event also meant the need to be men and women of our time, in tune with the historical moment, the current demands and always keeping in mind how much more they can do.

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