accident, patients, leave, hospital, holguin

Holguin: People hit in road accident are released from hospital

After more than 24 hours of the massive road accident, in the town of Siboney from…

Abdala, Jose, Marti

Abdala decoration given to elementary school in Holguín

The Abdala decoration, the highest award granted by Movimiento Juvenil Martiano in the country, was given…

Diaz, Canel, visit, Holguin, Cacocum

Díaz-Canel tours economic interest centers in Cacocum

Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and…

casita, infantil, cristino

Holguin sugar sector builds first casita for its children

The search for solutions for working mothers without the possibility of enrolling their children in a…

repair, works, cristino, naranjo, sugar, mill, cacocum, holguin

Cacocum: Repair works continue at Cristino Naranjo sugar mill

Workers and managers of Cristino Naranjo sugar mill in the municipality of Cacocum, in the province…

ronel, gonzalez, writer, holguin

Ronel, “Between the totíes of Cacocum and the sea of Gibara”

Of white bells in the Caiguranal of the happy childhood, the peasant roots and the longings…

Cristino, Naranjo, sugar, mill, cacocum

Sugarcane harvest starts in Holguín

The ceremony for the beginning of the 2023-2024 sugar harvest in the Cuban province of Holguín…

Holguin delegate to Disasters Conference praises teachings

Disasters force human beings to reflect and work more on climate change, according to Roger Medina,…

food, production, cacocum

Food production focuses producers’ discussions in Cacocum

Every good Cuban likes to eat vegetables, fruits and season food well; however, these are crops…

floods, cacocum, holguin

Water drainage in Cacocum due to recent heavy rains

The municipality of Cacocum, although it was not the area where the greatest volume of rains…