holguin, teacher, pay, service

Joy of teacher from Holguin for additional payment

Estrella Rodríguez Consuegra is a teacher from Holguin that has been teaching for more than 50…

casita, infantil, cristino

Holguin sugar sector builds first casita for its children

The search for solutions for working mothers without the possibility of enrolling their children in a…

Holguín: Priority given to centers for children’s care and education

The creation of 17 casitas infantiles (kind of kindergarten) for the care and education of children…

School self-sufficiency program promoted in Holguín

Education in Holguín is developing a project that seeks to reach school self-sufficiency through the use…

school, year, cuba

Education staffers return to work in Holguín province

This Thursday, teachers and support staff returned to work to ensure the return to classrooms in…

teacher, Holguin, Hector-Carmenate

Héctor Manuel, proud of his 50 years as an educator

The results obtained during fifty years of total dedication to the Cuban educational system constitute the…

Education center linked to agriculture in Antilla, Holguín

School linked to agriculture in Antilla, Holguín The Henry Reeve boy scout center of Antilla, in…

school, year, holguin, decorations

Holguin opens 2023-2024 school year with provincial ceremony

In recognition of the results reached in the teaching-educational process, the “José Julián Martí Pérez” Educational…

school, students, holguin

Schools in Holguin for comprehensive education

Schools are open again in Holguin. The school year 2023-2024 has begun, a school period that…

cuba, academic, year

Holguín ahead the start of the 2023-2024 school year

With the purpose of developing a comprehensive and participatory educational process, more than 140 thousand students…