school, students, holguin

Schools in Holguin for comprehensive education

Schools are open again in Holguin. The school year 2023-2024 has begun, a school period that…

For better care of autistic children in Holguín

Through a project to provide family orientation to children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), the health…


CMKO, radio footprint in Holguín

Holguin’s CMKO radio station is one of the longest-lived radio stations in Cuba. This August 1st…


Nonagenarian Pepa: a whole life story

For nonagenarian Pepa growing old is not a problem, in fact, María Josefa Valdés Ortiz (Pepa…


Heart diseases with high incidence in morbidity and mortality in Holguín

Heart diseases are currently an important health problem in Holguín. Cardiovascular diseases constitute the first cause…

Holguin Elementary Education, Education

Holguin Elementary Education, more than 10 thousand schoolchildren did it well

Holguin Elementary Education showed good results when ten thousand 900 hundred sixth graders concluded their primary…


Campismo Popular’s lodging capacities grow in Holguín

Campismo Popular’s lodging capacities grow in Holguín with the opening of Los Bajos camping site, located…


Heart diseases with high incidence in morbidity and mortality in Holguín

Heart diseases are currently an important health problem in Holguin. Cardiovascular diseases constitute the first cause…

Smoking, Holguin, Cuba, Health

Smoking, the challenge of its prevention in Holguín

Smoking is one of the leading preventable causes of disease and death worldwide. In the province…

Covid-19, , Risk, Prevention , Control, Health, Cuba, Holguin

Tolerance to risk, Covid-19 gap

Tolerance to risk is a gap of contagion and propagation of Covid-19, a disease still present…