Holguin prepares for World Proletariat Day

logo, may, day, holguin
Logo for May Day, in Holguin and Cuba

The World Proletariat Day is approaching and the province of Holguin is getting ready to commemorate this date in which the resistance capacity of the people and their constant contribution to the economic and social development of the nation will be manifested.

The provincial capital will develop this May 1st the traditional parade in the Plaza de la Revolución Mayor General Calixto García Íñiguez, epicenter of this celebration.

Holguin, World Proletariat Day

In a recent exchange with the Holguin press Idalmis Serrano Gomez, general secretary of the Central de Trabajadores de Cuba (CTC) in the territory referred that in the municipality of Holguin will take place the multitudinous march, where approximately 150 thousand Holguineros will parade.

Likewise, she pointed out that simultaneously in the remaining municipalities there will be rallies, events in popular councils and communities, as a sign of the workers’ enthusiasm that is present throughout the country.

In this scenario, the highest representative of the workers’ organization said that, due to the integral results achieved during the year 2023, the National Union of Construction Workers will be at the forefront of the parade, while the civilian defense workers will be in charge of closing this massive mobilization, with all the initiatives prepared in the work places.

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