triplets, birth, lenin, holguin
Birth of the first triplets of 2024 in Holguin. Photo: Alexis del Toro

Birth of triplets in Holguin, the miracle of multiplied life

For Lianet Leyva Abreu, second year resident in the specialty of Gynecology and Obstetrics, having assisted the cesarean delivery of Yadira Bergongo Requejo, mother of the first triplets born this 2024 in the province of Holguin, in the maternity ward of Vladimir Ilich Lenin General Hospital, was a unique experience.

As she explained “it is the first time I have had to face a multiple pregnancy delivery like this. I have delivered twins before, but not triplets. It was a very nice experience, everything went as planned because the mother arrived in good condition because in this case the intervention was due to the growth restriction of two of the babies, but the mother arrived in good condition, without any underlying pathologies”.

“As for the medical team that assisted the cesarean section, there were three of us surgeons, Dr. Osdray Rodriguez Carralero, the head of the delivery unit, a third year resident of the specialty and me myself. In addition, three neonatologists, two nurses and three anesthesiologists were involved, including two residents and the specialist”.

birth, triplets, Lenin hospital, Holguin

triplets, birth, holguin, lenin
One of the first triplets of 2024 in Holguin. Photo: Alexis del Toro/

According to Iran Gonzalez Cespedes, head of the Gynecobstetrics service of Cuba’s largest maternity hospital, “This patient, who belongs to Julio Grave de Peralta policlinic, unlike the two triplet pregnancies of previous years, conceived her pregnancy in a natural way. After her amenorrhea and with a previous delivery eight years ago, she arrived at her health area and a triplet pregnancy was identified”.

Regarding the particularities of how this gestation took place, the specialist adds that “the mother had a pregnancy in which one of the fetuses was in one placenta, with one gestational sac and the other two babies were in another placenta, each one in its independent sac, that is to say, they behaved with two placentas and three gestational sacs. The pregnancy was maintained to the highest possible term. The pregnancy was then terminated in week 33, due to the fact that two of the fetuses presented growth restrictions”.

“At the time of birth one of them weighed 1,700 grams, an adequate weight, another 1,250 grams and the third 1,200 grams. The mother is recovering with a satisfactory condition, while the babies are reported as serious, due to prematurity, the mere fact of being premature implies this report, as they are not exempt from any neonatal complication, such as infections associated with this condition.”

“In this case all the measures that were done as prophylaxis of prematurity were effective because it led to the end of pregnancy the morbidity presented from the fetal point of view, but she did not have any consequence during her pregnancy, because of cervical modifications.”

As a result of this birth, three male babies conceived in a natural way, arrive to complement the Castañeda Bergongo family, neighbors from Pedernales neighborhhod, in the provincial capital city.

According to the father of the triplets, Yasnel Castañeda Díaz, “We are happy and pleased. We know that they are well as far as possible. And here we are waiting for her to come out well, so that their happiness will be complete. We were all waiting for this moment to arrive, we are happy, we are a very united family. The care, since she was admitted, since it was found out that there were three children, from the medical point of view, we have no complaints. They have been well attended medically”.

The achievement of carrying to term multiple pregnancies like this one is the result of team work, where in this occasion the gynecosbtetrician Ismara de la Torre Mastrapa, played an essential role, because she herself says that she remembers when this patient was transferred from the Maternity Home “8 de Marzo”, with an imminence of prematurity, due to important cervical modifications, when bringing three babies and with antecedents of a previous delivery.

Birth of triplets in Holguin, the miracle of life multiplied.

mother, triplets, holguin
Mother of the triplets in Holguin. Photo: Alexis del Toro

“In this case we assessed length, patency, membrane production and stress tests. This was positive for her and in order to try to prolong the pregnancy to term we had to use the cerclage method, which in spite of being invasive, was important in this patient to at least take her to around 37 weeks. We used the McDonald’s method, which consists of four stitches that are given at the level of the neck and transvaginally, they are done transvaginally to see if it is functional or not,” said the specialist in General Comprehensive Medicine.

The Vladimir I. Lenin Hospital in 2023 reached an infant mortality rate of 2.7 per thousand live births, one of the best in the country. However, the province has several hospitals where deliveries are performed, such as the hospitals of Mayarí, Moa, Banes and some cases in the hospital of Gibara. The arrival of a child is always a reason to rejoice, even more so in these cases where the miracle of multiplied life takes place.

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