echocardiogram, holguin, heart

Cardiology Service: pacemaker implantation and reuse, recognized

The Cardiology Service of the General Hospital Vladimir Ilich Lenin has historically occupied a leading position…

Lenin hospital, a 58 year old giant in people’s care

The General Teaching Hospital Vladimir Ilich Lenin is indispensable, highly significant, necessary, since almost all people…

lidis, lamoru, lenin, hospital

Music from the heart for those who bring health

The best way Lidis Lamoru found to thank the health professionals from Vladimir Ilich Lenin General…

holguin, surgeons, scientific, meeting

Surgeons meet to salute Lenin Hospital

In 2023, the year in which Vladimir Ilyich Lenin University Provincial Hospital celebrates its 58th anniversary,…

hospital, lenin, holguin

Scientific Conference for 58th years of Lenin Hospital

Many activities involving workers and patients of Vladimir Ilich Lenin teaching hospital are carried out at…

lenin, hospital, party, visit, holguin

Health indicators evaluated at Vladimir I. Lenin Hospital

Ernesto Santiesteban Velázquez, first secretary of the Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba in…