expociencia, holguin
Expociencia in Holguin. Photo: Juan Pablo Carreras /ACN

Holguin: science-based government model presented

A model of government based on science and technological innovation was presented in the province of Holguin, as part of the activities of Expociencia 2024, the main exhibition event of this branch in the eastern territory.

Alejandro Torres Gómez de Cádiz Hernandez, territorial delegate of CITMA, stressed to ACN that the program is based on the management of policies and the creation of own technologies, as one of the fundamental axes of development in the country.

He specified that it is necessary to take the strategy to the local level, to rescue the role of the municipalities and their autonomy in the economic and social sphere, which allows the improvement of the quality of life of the population.

He also stressed the importance of the links between universities, companies and managers, with an inclusive vision that facilitates interaction among all the actors and leads to prospective studies with a high impact on the fundamental strategic lines.

He also mentioned the importance of speeding up mixed financing for the management of science, and the creation of high-tech companies, interfaces and science parks in the technological area that allow for a greater amount of research in Cuba.

On Wednesday, the presentation of the Rubén Bravo Park cultural project, consisting of children’s band routines and the WuShu School exhibition, with the participation of senior citizens who practice this sport, also took place.

Expociencia 2024, in its usual venue of the Expo-Holguin Fairgrounds, will facilitate the linkage between companies, the promotion of good practices for the management of hazardous waste, surplus of basic productions, value-added inputs and environmental protection, included in the collateral program of the event.

With information by Eileen Esther Molina Fernández – ACN / Translated by Radio Angulo

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