medical, genetics, holguin, cuba
Medical genetics network in Holguin, Cuba

Holguin: Network of genetics, early detection of congenital defects

In Holguin every year multiple congenital alterations are identified early during gestation, thanks to the coordinated work of specialists and diagnostic means that integrate the network of medical genetics in this province.

According to Dr. Victor Jesus Tamayo Chang, second degree specialist in Clinical Genetics of the Provincial Center of Medical Genetics of Holguin, this system is well structured. It goes from primary assistance to the Center of Medical Genetics, as a secondary institution, and the National Center of Medical Genetics, as a tertiary institution.

This allows for the technological and diagnostic pool for genetic diseases, rare diseases and congenital defects, whatever their etiology. At the same time, it makes possible the follow-up and timely treatment of all people with this type of diseases, said the head of the Medical Genetics Department of the University of Medical Sciences of Holguin (UCMHo).

The use of ultrasonography and other specific studies contribute to the diagnosis of different congenital defects in the prenatal stage, which becomes a valuable tool that also includes genetic counseling to families to be able to decide in better terms the future of the pregnancy.

In the province of Holguin an average of approximately more than 200 congenital defects are diagnosed as tributaries to an interruption of gestation.

As for the most frequent alterations detected in genetic studies in this region are cardiovascular defects, in second place those affecting the Central Nervous System and congenital defects involving the digestive system, said Tamayo Chang.

The genetics network and the professionals that make it up form a valuable duality where the use of technology allows them to visualize in detail the anatomy of the fetus and thus evaluate its development during the different stages of pregnancy.

In this way, they are committed to a diagnosis with high standards of precision that contributes to prenatal care and ensures the health and well-being of both the mother and the baby.

With information from Infomed Holguín / Translated by Radio Angulo

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