University, Medical, Sciences, Holguin
University of Medical,Sciences of Holguin

Workshop on Disaster Management in Health ends in Holguin

The National Online Workshop in response to the project “Comprehensive Disaster Management in the Health Sector for sustainability and resilience in the face of climate change, successfully concluded on March 29 in Holguín. Precisely, it is one of the main assumptions of the new Public Health Law, which advocates a unifying approach that seeks to optimize and balance in a sustainable way the health of people, animals and ecosystems. In addition to the University of Medical Sciences of Holguin, which hosted the event, nine other universities in the country participated, as well as other national and international gues As explained by one of its organizers, Doctor in Sciences, María de los Ángeles Salermo Reyes, the topics addressed were directed towards knowledge management in disaster risk reduction of all kinds, from an intersectoral and inter and transdisciplinary perspective. “This demonstrates the need to recognize the interdependence of climate-ecosystem-biodiversity-society, in its broadest vision of Global Health and a solid preparation of human resources as a necessity for local development”, she said. In the current international health context, the management of systems and services is a priority in order to protect the health of the population from the most devastating effects of emergencies, disasters and climate change. In this regard, the also president of the transdisciplinary One Health Chair, explained that “although there is an urgent need to join national and international efforts to reduce the global level of emissions of greenhouse gases, it is not enough to reduce the level of greenhouse gas emissions in the long term, it is also necessary to adopt adaptation measures to respond to climate change. Thus, social development requires continuous processes of knowledge creation, dissemination, transfer, adaptation and application of knowledge. Knowledge, closely linked to practice, is a transformative social force to permanently foster sustainable development and promote the sustainable development of society.

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