submergible, water, pump
Submergible water pumps. File photo

Holguín among Cuban provinces to get water pumping equipment

Two of the main problems faced by the population in Cuba, water and electricity shortages, were highlighted in the national news spectrum, given the progress of investments in infrastructure.

A new batch of 25 submersible water pumping units will benefit customers who now receive the service with low pressure or who lack direct connection to the aqueduct networks, reported Granma newspaper in its digital edition.

According to the newspaper, the National Institute of Hydraulic Resources (INRH for its Spanish acronym) confirmed that the machines began to arrive in the country and will be installed in different provinces, including Santiago de Cuba and Holguín, in the east, and Artemisa and Havana, in the west.

The agency’s evaluations indicate that the main cause of the total or partial damages to the aqueduct service is the pumping deficit, according to the press release.

In the most critical moments there were around 490,000 inhabitants affected for this reason, but since the entry of the new equipment the figure has decreased considerably and other pumps are on the way to continue improving the situation, said the president of INRH, Antonio Rodríguez.

The aqueduct service, he commented, is the second largest consumer of electric energy on a national scale; therefore, investments that allow the transition to clean energies are a priority.

According to Rodríguez, they are currently working hard to finalize the assembly of up to 270 pumps associated with the change to the energy matrix in the first stage, and to begin the installation of the 144 pieces of equipment foreseen in the second phase of the project.

An investment process has also begun to increase the use of solar energy in the generation of electricity, which contemplates the location, between now and 2028, of 92 photovoltaic parks, with a capacity to generate two thousand Megawatts (MW).

According to the report, forces from Unión Eléctrica (Electricity Company)  are preparing the conditions to receive the first 200 containers with the necessary material, as well as the transportation and scaffolding plans for the location of the first 46 solar parks of 21 MW each.

About 1,000 MW, half of those planned, should be available within a year and a few months, said the Minister of Energy and Mines, Vicente de la O Levy, as quoted by the newspaper.

“We have opted to get out of the crisis with our own resources, in spite of the energy situation the country is facing”, said the official.

With information from Prensa Latina / Translated by Radio Angulo

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