well, water
Well. Photo: balam.es

Holguin: Hydraulic programs vs drought mitigation

The drilling of new wells stands out among the projections of the hydraulic programs in Holguin province to mitigate the impact of the intense drought, one of the notable effects of climate change in the eastern territory.

The strategy is implemented mainly in municipalities such as Cueto, Banes and Urbano Noris, historically affected by the loss of their own sources that supply these localities during periods of absence of rainfall.

Juan Mario Echavarría Hernández, territorial delegate of the sector, pointed out to the ACN that more than five thousand people in Holguin currently receive water through tank trucks, which is why the drilling will contribute to improve the service and reduce fuel expenses.

He emphasized that these actions prioritize vulnerable neighborhoods, rural and hard-to-reach areas and social institutions supplied by wells, and provide solutions to the population’s needs.

Feasibility studies are also carried out for the connection of new customers to the aqueduct and sewerage systems, as part of urbanization projects, improvements in the quality of supply and an increase in water and sanitation coverage, he said.

As part of the mitigation of the intense drought, the optimal use of water in agriculture, the installation of hand pumps, the elimination of flooding areas and the overflows that cause waste of the vital liquid are being promoted.

In the eastern province there is a group of experts linked to the preparation of the hydrological map of Cuba, which will provide an approach to the reserves of subway sources, the rates of saline intrusion, among other vital parameters aimed at mitigating the effects of climate change.

Likewise, the works of the East-West Water Transfer are an example of the efforts to move forward in hydraulic development for social benefit, in spite of the lack of supplies and technologies caused by the intensification of the economic, commercial and financial blockade of the United States against Cuba.

With information by Eileen Esther Molina Fernández / ACN

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