Assembly, congress, fmc, holguin
Celebration of the Municipal Assembly XI Congress of the FMC in Holguin. Photo: Yenisel Elcea

Holguín holds Municipal Assembly prior the FMC XI Congress

With a call to improve the functioning of the Federation of Cuban Women (FMC), the XI Municipal Assembly Congress was held in Holguin, presided over by Teresa Amarelle Boué, General Secretary of this organization in Holguin.

During the exchange local women show the results and challenges of the FMC members in the last five years. A complex context where women proved to be winners of the impossible.

Holguín holds Municipal Assembly prior the FMC XI Congress

The debate focused on topics such as the contribution of women to the socioeconomic life of the province, teenage pregnancy, care for the elderly, food production and care for young people.

In this sense, Amarelle Boué stressed the need to work in the communities, where these vulnerabilities occur and which require a higher interest on the part of the federates.

“Our main setting is the community, where there is a lack of milk, where we have unattached women and young people who have not been able to continue their studies. Nothing is alien to the Federation and our role is to be there, where the women and their families are”.

Holguín holds Municipal Assembly prior the FMC XI Congress

In this context, Ernesto Santiesteban Velázquez, first secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba in the province, urged to continue working from the base, where there is still much to be done.

By direct vote, the 200 delegates present at the meeting ratified Yamisley Pupo Rodríguez for a new mandate as general secretary of the FMC in the municipality.

Holguín holds Municipal Assembly prior the FMC XI Congress

Likewise, 54 delegates to the Provincial Assembly of the organization and eleven pre-candidates to the XI Congress were chosen, in accordance with the established rules of participation, who will be in charge of carrying the proposals and experiences of the FMC women.

The FMC is a mass organization that develops policies and programs aimed at achieving the full exercise of women’s equality in all areas and levels of Cuban society.

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