brigade, canada, escudo, holguin
The Canadian Brigade "Calixto Garcia" received the Holguin Shield. Photo: Arnaldo Vargas Castro

Canada’s Calixto Garcia Brigade given Holguin Coat of Arms

For the sustained support to the people of Cuba in its intense battle, the Canadian Brigade of Solidarity ‘Calixto García’ was conferred the Escudo de Holguín (Holguin Coat of Arms), during the official reception that, in this fifth edition of its visit, took place in the Revolution Room, of the provincial Museum La Periquera, on the presence of the main authorities of the territory.

In her welcoming remarks, Vice Governor, Yunia Pérez Hernández, thanked the unconditional support that, with so much enthusiasm, the supportive Canadian friends give to Cuba, for which reason, “we received them in this historic site where, on February 26, 1959, Fidel Castro spoke for the first time to the people of Holguin and for that reason, the Revolution Room was created, which preserves various documents, testimonies and images of the times he visited the province”.

Canadian brigade, Calixto Garcia, Holguin’s coat of arms

brigade, canada, calixto, garcia, support
The solidarity of the Canadian brigade “Calixto García” breaks the walls of the U.S. blockade. Photo: Arnaldo Vargas Castro
Excited, the 27 Canadian brigadistas welcomed the moment in which, the Governor, Manuel Francisco Hernández Aguilera, gave them the Escudo de Holguín, accompanied by the members of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba, Ernesto Santiesteban Velázquez (First Secretary in the territory) and Arelis Marrero Guerrero (of the Provincial Bureau), after the reading of the accrediting Resolution, by Yanet Doimeadios Guerrero, head of secretariat of the Provincial Government.

“We are very grateful for this recognition to the brigadistas, who represent the solidarity of many people in our country, expressed Bernard Lefevre, coordinator of the Brigade, who explained how, upon returning, they always explain to friends and families, the experiences lived and the reality that is lived in Cuba, “where there is an incredible people making Revolution, despite all the measures and pressures of their enemies. This contributes to increase the friendship, admiration and solidarity of Canadians towards you”.

Canadian brigade, Calixto Garcia, Holguin’s coat of arms

After the official welcoming ceremony, which included a much applauded performance by the choir Orfeón Holguín, the exhibition of photographs ´Expresiones de un gigante´ (Expressions of a Giant), whose author, Albino Moldes, is a member of the Brigade, which is dedicated to the seventh anniversary of the physical disappearance of Commander-in-Chief Fidel Castro, was opened to the public.

The pictures that make up ‘Expressions of a Giant’, summarize Moldes’ experiences on various events and places in Cuba, during his long history of solidarity, including the active presence in the Colloquiums for the freedom of The Five and the claims against the economic, financial and commercial blockade, meaning, in his words of presentation, accompanied by the highest authorities of the province, the prominence of Fidel Castro.

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