colosos, champions, sugar, baseball, league
Colosos team, winner of the Liga Azucarera baseball league (Sugar baseball league) in Holguin. Photo: Flabio Gutiérrez

Colosos crown their dream in the XLI Sugar League of baseball

The Colosos of Urbano Noris crowned with a 5×0 victory against their similar Central Héctor Molina of Mayabeque a dream season that led them to the title in the XLI Sugar League of baseball by dominating the final 4-1.

In a crowded Rogelio Pupo Ricardo stadium, in San Germán, municipality of Urbano Noris, the Colosos drove their faithful followers crazy with another luxury opening by Yusmel Velázquez who during six innings managed to scatter six singles, with four strikeouts and a solitary ticket.

Yusmel had the support of a productive offense, capable of scoring five goals with seven hits, including Jorge Luis Peña’s home run, by taking advantage of the five tickets conceived by the opposing pitching, two wild pitches and three errors by the defense.

The work of the tall left-handed pitcher from San Germán was complemented by right-handers Dachel Duquesne, with a single in two innings, and Frank Navarro with a pair of strikeouts in the ninth.

For the Colosos, who are acheiving their first crown in these contest, this was their 25th victory with only four setbacks, while for the province it was the fourth national title, after the one won by Central Fernando de Dios in 1989 and the two won by Cristino Naranjo in 2015 and 2018.

Among the merits of new manager Eover Matos, in addition to putting together a cohesive team, was the fact that he gave play to most of his players, regardless of their rank or experience.

The victory of the Colosos de Urbano Noris became a great celebration for the municipality and a large part of the province, whose fans are eager for favorable baseball results.

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