garbage, collection, holguin
Difficulties with garbage collection in Holguín due to the generation of waste by domestic and commercial activity and limitations of resources. Photo: Carlos Rodríguez Rubio

Radio Angulo: Debate on communal hygiene in Holguin

The communal hygiene in Holguin is a worrying issue at present; in view of the constant accumulation of garbage in the streets and dumps the maximum authorities of the province and involved entities debated on the subject with the participation of the population from the radio program Al Corriente broadcasted by Radio Angulo.

From the theater of the Provincial Transport Company, the first secretary of the Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC), Ernesto Santiesteban Velázquez, and Manuel Hernández Aguilera, Governor in the territory, together with directors of different local institutions, explained the situation in terms of human and material resources available to provide communal services.

Leaders of Holguín, analysis of garbage contamination situation

radio, program, garbage, situation, holguin
Leaders of Holguin during the analysis on the situation of garbage accumulation, causes and possible solutions to this social and environmental problem. Photo: Carlos Rodríguez Rubio
The meeting also served to propose a series of strategies that both companies and the population must assume to transform this sanitary panorama.

Rodolfo Barzaga Mena, coordinator of program and objectives in the Provincial Government that attends to this activity pointed out that “the generation and average area of urban solid waste in the province is six thousand 993 cubic meters, of which more than three thousand 400 in the municipality of Holguin”.

He added that for “sweeping, collection and final disposal of solid waste services, there is a fleet of equipment whose technical availability is seriously affected”.

This situation is compounded by the fuel deficit and is further complicated by the increase in social indiscipline in violation of Decree 272 by dumping debris and other waste around the containers (ampirol) and in unauthorized sites for depositing garbage, mainly in the provincial capital.

Milagro Portelle Duque, head of the Provincial Directorate of Inspection and Supervision, explained some of the actions carried out in the application of Decree 272 which regulates infractions in communal hygiene, which according to Santiesteban Velázquez, are insufficient.

Likewise, the collection periods are extended and the accumulation of garbage in streets and dumps increases, not only in the capital city, but also in the municipalities where the “carretoneros” (cart drivers) play an indispensable role, they do not have the necessary forces.

According to Barzaga, the most affected municipalities are Sagua de Tánamo, which only has 11 cart drivers and one tractor, Urbano Noris, with 4 cart drivers and Banes, where a MSME was contracted to collect garbage, a strategy that is showing its first results.

Velázquez emphasized the need for a differentiated attention to the carretoneros, to set new rates and improve working conditions; besides eliminating the bureaucracy to obtain this type of license.
Radio Angulo: Debate on communal hygiene in Holguin 1
CMKO Radio Angulo’s program Al Corriente discussed garbage contamination in Holguin. Photo: Carlos Rodríguez Rubio

In order to reverse this situation, a series of measures have been adopted that do not immediately solve the problem, such as linking entities to the daily collection of garbage in assigned streets and avenues.

According to Barzaga, the most affected municipalities are Sagua de Tánamo, which only has 11 cart drivers and one tractor, Urbano Noris, with 4 cart drivers and Banes, where a MSME was contracted to collect garbage, a strategy that is showing its first results.

Velázquez emphasized the need for a differentiated attention to the carretoneros, to set new rates and improve working conditions; besides eliminating the bureaucracy to obtain this type of license.

In order to reverse this situation, a series of measures have been adopted that do not immediately solve the problem, such as linking entities to the daily collection of garbage in assigned streets and avenues.

The KTP sugar havesters and the Héroes del 26 de Julio factory are working on the repair of ampiroll bodies, compactor cars, carts and other equipment for public sanitation, the daily cleaning is maintained by the Micons companies and depending on the availability of fuel, the most critical points are cleaned.

The KTP sugar havesters and the Héroes del 26 de Julio factory are working on the repair of ampirle beds, compactor cars, carts and other equipment in function of the public sanitation, daily cleaning is maintained by the Micons companies and according to the availability of fuel the most critical points are cleaned.

However, the First Secretary of the PCC in the province urged organizations and companies and new economic actors to responsibly join in the cleaning of their surrounding areas, as well as exhorted citizens to contribute to public hygiene from the districts and CDR.

For his part, the Governor of Holguín said that the almost 50 calls received during the radio program will be answered and that they will discuss the issue again with the demand for results, and called to recover the title of “one of the cleanest cities in Cuba”.

Carlos Rodríguez Rubio
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