UCMHo, anniversary, 15, awards
The role of the University of Medical Sciences of Holguin is recognized.

Role of the University of Medical Sciences of Holguin recognized

The role played by the University of Medical Sciences of Holguin (UCMHo) in the training of health professionals was highlighted this May 15 on the occasion of the institution’s 15th anniversary.

In the presence of the highest political, governmental and health authorities of this eastern Cuban province, a political-cultural gala was held to honor the date and highlight the imprint of the House of Higher Studies, which has the third largest enrollment in the country and has 23 accredited postgraduate specialties, 21 of them of excellence and two certified.

During the activity, the most experienced professionals who left their mark on the university center were recognized with the “15th Anniversary” Distinction, among them the Doctor of Sciences Pura Avilés Cruz, Heroine of Labor of the Republic of Cuba.

Health institutions that are important venues in Holguín for the training of doctors, nurses and health technicians, such as Vladimir Ilich Lenin Provincial Teaching Hospital, Octavio de la Concepción la Pedraja Children Hospital, Lucía Íñiguez Clinic Hospital and Fermín Valdés Domínguez Military Hospital, were also honored with the same award.

A special moment was the awarding of the Carlos J. Finlay Order to six Doctors of Science with a rich research career and to two institutions: The Center for Research and Rehabilitation of Hereditary Ataxias and the UCMHo itself.

During the gala, Dr. Galina Galcerán Chacón, rector of the University, praised the pride of the Holguin center for having graduated more than 37,700 students throughout its existence, among them more than 2,600 from 69 countries.

She also underscored the insertion of young university students in the community and their participation in more than 50 projects of social impact aimed at the main health problems.

The University of Medical Sciences of Holguin, founded in 2009, today hosts more than 7,900 students, consists of a Faculty, four Branches and two University Offices and manages postgraduate training and research in dozens of projects of national priority.

With information from Trabajadores  / Translated by Radio Angulo

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