accident, patients, leave, hospital, holguin
Attention to the injured in a massive accident in Holguin. Photo: Maylín Betancourt Verdecia

Holguin: People hit in road accident are released from hospital

After more than 24 hours of the massive road accident, in the town of Siboney from the municipality of Cacocum, last on May 7, only two patients remain hospitalized at Lucía Iñiguez Clinical Hospital, in Holguin city.

According to the information provided by Dr. Hancel Caballero Castellanos,  acting director of medical assistance at the General Directorate of Health, “Only 38 year-old patient Eliades Cobas, a native of Holguín, who has multiple rib fractures and suspicion of traumatic wet lung, is stable, but is being assisted at Lucía Iñiguez Clinical Hospital.

“While the other hospitalized patient is a 25.7-week pregnant woman, who due to her condition is under observation in the Perinatology ward of Vladimir Ilich Lenin General Teaching Hospital, with a stable evolution and no risks to her life”.”The news was enough to activate the emergency and urgency system in Holguín. In cases like this, all the command posts of the provincial hospitals are activated to assume the massive reception of the injured people.

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Evaluation of the injured by multidisciplinary teams of specialists. Photo: Maylín Betancourt
Everything was done for the evacuation of those who were treated at Rubén Batista polyclinic, in Cacocum, as well as all other the patients who went taken to the Lenin” hospital.

In this particular case, the Provincial Trauma Center of Holguin province is located at Lucía hospital, where 29 patients were treated. The highest authorities of the Communist Party of Cuba, the Government and health reached at the institution immediately to hear from the injured themselves about the incident and the care they received.

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Party leaders together with government and health authorities from the territory exchange with patients and with medical personnel. Photo: Maylín Betancourt Verdecia

Jorge Carrazana, a native of the municipality of Guisa, in the province of Granma, was the first patient treated at the clinical hospital that day, at about 09:35 am. When we exchanged with him, he said that at that moment he was asleep in the seat behind the driver, when he felt the loud bang and the car spinning. He said that once the vehicle had stopped, all those who were able to get out of the vehicle did it, but not him, for he was trapped by his arm, in which he suffered a fracture. He recognizes that the attention was quick and the health personnel were concerned about his condition.

Among the passengers was also Yanetxy Tamayo Arzuaga, who was traveling with her husband, and said, “I only felt the turns the car made. I should recognize the assistance and attention we received in Cacocum, it was very good, immediate, to later send us to Lucía hospital where we were very well assisted too”.

In the event of mass traffic accidents, according to the protocol of care, each case is evaluated by multidisciplinary teams of specialists, led by general surgeons and neurosurgeons.

In this sense, Dr. Marcos Ramos Serrano, deputy surgical director of the hospital, explained: “After six hours of evolution, we proceeded to discharge those who remained asymptomatic, when the evolutionary ultrasounds did not show any signs of concern and maintained good hemoglobin indicators. On arrival, we practiced x-ray check to patients, on the chest, skull or any other part of the body, as medically required and abdominal ultrasound to look for ruptures”.

Last May 7, a massive accident took place in the town of Siboney, in the municipality of Cacocum, when a passenger transport truck, en route from Holguín to Bayamo, had a blast of one of its tires, the driver lost control, causing the vehicle to overturn and ran out of the road.

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Traffic accident leaves 30 people injured in Holguín Photo: Yordanis

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