panel, apunto, veloz, party
Panel of professionals that addressed how communication works from the political institution. Photo: Kendry Meriño Olivera

In Apunto analyzed new ways of making Journalism in Cuba

The second day of the National Symposium of Journalism Apunto, held this Thursday at the Celia Sanchez Manduley headquarters of the University of Holguin to continue with the activities programmed for the event.

Directed by students and professors, the space began with a technological fair where technological artifacts that were once used in the communication processes were exhibited to the public.

Photographic and video cameras, typewriters from the 1950s, old radios, televisions and telephones were part of this exhibition.

In a second moment a conversation was held with authorities representing the guild in the province, among them Nelsy González, official of the ideological department of the Communist Party of Cuba in the province and Germán Veloz, president of the Union of Journalists of Cuba in Holguín.

Topics such as governmental communication and the work of the communicators in the society were treated in the symposium, where the students emitted their criteria on the way of doing Journalism in the Cuban present time.

Apunto, Journalism, new forms, society, press, Holguin, Holguín

apunto, journalism, event, holguin
In Apunto, journalism students presented their criteria on the new ways of communication in the Cuban media. Photo: Kendry Meriño Olivera
To close the day, the creative students offered for sale their handmade clothes and also took the initiative of adopting books.

Tomorrow will be the third and last day of the event, which this time will be held in person after three years in virtual mode due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

With information from Kendry Meriño Olivera/Journalism Student


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