victor, campesino, poet, holguin
Victor (with hat) enjoys the contact with people, the exchanges about the care of nature and sharing his poetic creations. Photo: Courtesy of the interviewee

For Víctor, being is more than existing

Clinging to his peasant roots and taking advantage of the opportunities for Cuban youth to develop spiritually and intellectually, Víctor Domínguez Rodríguez, from Velasco, distinguishes himself as an extensionist of agroecological practices, storyteller and poet.

An agronomist engineer associated to Felipe Gutiérrez Credit and Service Cooperative Farm (CCS), in the rural community of El Uso -about four kilometers east of Velasco-, Víctor lives up to his name, of Latin origin, which means victorious, victor.

Family heritage?

“Well, I come from a family of deep-rooted peasant traditions, who did not bow down to adverse weather conditions, and when a plantation was affected by that cause, instead of lamenting, they went back to prepare the land, to sow again and take care of the crops properly. That’s the way I am too, and not only in the cultivation of the land, but in everything I do.

“From my great-grandfather, Idael Salcida (Güé Güé), I inherited the lands I work and a little further east, in La Naza, are those of my father, Victor, like me, who is associated to CCS Calixto García. Both farms are agro-ecological and we share our experiences with young producers, because it is very necessary to protect the crops, avoid soil erosion and not use chemicals that are toxic, damaging the quality of the soil and human health”.

And the poetic?

“That need to write verses comes from my great-great-grandfather, Indalecio Leyva, from whom I did a thorough research in search of my roots and that way I learned that he was passionate about espinelas, that is, the décimas guajiras, which he wrote with mastery of his technique and liked to share them with family and friends.

“From the age of 11 I began to write free poetry, then sonnets and read décimas at school and other community activities, while my interest in espinela grew. One fine day, responding to a call from the outstanding poet from Velazquez, Miriam Peña Leyva, I participated in one of her gatherings, which are usually attended by good storytellers, where you can interact and learn a lot.

Cover, Book, Victor Domínguez Rodríguez

book, victor
Cover, Book, Victor Domínguez Rodríguez

“In addition to participating in Ala Décima gathering, I was linked to the Casa de Cultura, founded 32 years ago and which honors the name of Félix Varona Sicilia (an outstanding cultural promoter and illustrious son of Velasco), and to the Casa de la Décima, created in 2022.

“In that way I was linked, in addition to Miriam Peña, with other consecrated poets, such as Gilberto Cruz, Pucho, Marcelo leal Moreno, Miroslava Pérez Dopaso, who have dedicated time, support, knowledge to me.

“Thanks to that learning I have been able to interact in activities, participate in contests and recently I was invited to the program Para leer mañana, of the Educativo Channel.

I have also been invited to the gathering Café con verso and to the next Book Fair, where I will present my book Agroecología en Décimas.”

Main recognitions?

“First, one I received from abroad, ‘for supporting culture and humanity; others for my contribution to the care of the environment and the promotion of agroecological practices, as well as the participation of some of my décimas, free poems, sonnets and short stories.”


“Ah, yes, I have had the pleasure of having my first two books published in Mexico, Martes 13 and Agroecología en décimas, whose experiences motivate me to continue writing, and another poetic material is already in process, which I think will also be well accepted”.

You have a nice little family

“Of course, because it is in the family where the greatest spiritual stability is achieved and it is the basis of what we do with and for love. The values inherited from my parents, as the only child that I am, and that they received from theirs, I try to transmit them to my little Adriana, who, at only five years of age, has already made her debut in a community activity, since my wife, Yoslaidis Blanco and I, stimulate her talent.

“Other families thank Victor for being a cultural promoter of peasant traditions and agro-ecological practices, who pays attention to children, who promise to be future poets and declaim, above all, humorous tenths in school activities and other community scenarios, in addition to participating in a workshop he has created in his own home.”

The road ahead

As there is nothing like sowing in the earth and in souls, Victor knows how to manage his time to do everything that makes him feel happy. In this way, last year he graduated as an agronomist engineer in a course for meetings, being the best graduate; he makes the most of the land, sweating a lot; he writes the ideas and verses that surprise him wherever he is; he shares his knowledge of agro ecology with other farmers and interacts with poets in different peñas and workshops.

At 27 years of age, this poet and storyteller, with two books published to date, cannot distance himself from the traditions, culture and best peasant practices, which he promotes and defends with his personal example and in the works dictated by his heart.

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