cespedes, event, holguin
Luis Angel Avila Medina highlighted the relevance of the date in the context of the youth of Holguin and his participation in the next Congress of the Young Communist League. Photo: Daimy Peña Guillén

Homage in Holguin to De Cespedes, Father of the Homeland

The people of Holguin paid homage to Carlos Manuel de Cespedes, the Father of the Homeland, in a ceremony held in the park that bears his name, on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of his kill in action in San Lorenzo, in an unequal fight against the Spanish colonialist army.

Municipal authorities, members of the Association of Combatants of the Cuban Revolution (ACRC), students and people in general participated in the activity, which began with the laying of a wreath in front of the monument of the Father of the Homeland.

Ernesto Santiesteban, ceremony, homage, Carlos Manuel de Céspedes

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Ernesto Santiesteban Velázquez, member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) and first secretary of that political organization in Holguín, presided over the event together with other authorities of the territory. Photo: Daimy Peña Guillén

In the ceremony, which was presided over by Ernesto Santiesteban Velázquez, member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) and first secretary of that political organization in Holguín; Manuel Francisco Hernández, deputy to the Parliament and governor of the province; took part other Party leaders, of the Young Communist League (UJC) and Cuban pioneers of the junior high school that bears the name of this martyr.

The tribute was also propitious for the signing of working agreements corresponding to this 2024 between the municipal direction of the Cuban Veteran Association (ACRC) and the mass organizations of the territory.

In the closing speech by Luis Angel Avila Medina it was highlighted the relevance of the date in the context of the youth of Holguin and their participation in the next UJC Congress.

It is inspiring to see how young people continue to keep alive the revolutionary and patriotic ideals, following the example of figures such as Carlos Manuel de Céspedes.

Event, homage, Carlos Manuel de Cespedes, Holguin, Cuba

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Pioneers from Holguin were present at the event. Photo: Daimy Peña Guillén

The call to work to build a better Holguin, in tune with the values and principles of the Father of the Homeland, is an important reminder of the responsibility we all have as citizens to contribute to the development and welfare of our community.

Carlos Manuel de Céspedes was the leader of the struggle for the independence of the island. His sacrifice and bravery are remembered and honored by the Cuban people. / Daimy Peña Guillén

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