festival, national, radio, holguin
National radio festival in Holguin

National Radio Festival nears in Holguin

The National Radio Festival will be held in the province of Holguin from November 13 to 17, which is an opportunity for meeting and exchanging among radio producers.

Natalia Díaz Riverón, director of the Provincial Radio Broadcasting System and Radio Angulo station, explained that the festival will have the presence of eight national award winners, among them Iván Pérez Ramírez and Carmen Solar Montalvo.

National Radio Festival nears in Holguin

She also emphasized that around 600 works will compete in the categories of script, direction, male and female voice-over, musical varied shows, staged progrma and informational, advertising and Internet productions. On this occasion, awards will be given for specialized topics, including the centenary of the radio, the use of heritage in radio production, crisis communication, life stories, the 70th anniversary of the assaults on the Moncada and Carlos Manuel de Céspedes Barracks and the 170th anniversary of the birth of José Martí.

As a collateral activity, there will be a theoretical event that will take place on will be held on November 14 and 15 at the Pernik Hotel, where there will be exchanges with the National Awards of the sector, in addition to presentations by representatives of several broadcasters in the country and specialists in various fields.

Among the professional panels are “Radio creation in non-conventional spaces: the case of the Internet”, by Ana Teresa Badía, from Radio Rebelde and Manuel Alfredo Martínez and Salome Companioni, both from Radio Cubana; and “Research on the history of local radio: a centenary look”, by Hernán Iglesias, from Radio Ariguanabo in Artemisa and Dayron Chang from Santiago de Cuba.

National Radio Festival nears in Holguin

The purpose of this event is to make producers turn their eyes to the main contest that stimulates radio creation in order to disseminate the work of the medium throughout the country and to promote the exchange of ideas about new technologies about new technologies, production routines and other topics of interest.

With information from ACN / Translated by Radio Angulo

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