school, students, holguin
Holguin's primary school students return to the classroom to continue their studies in the 2023-2024 school year. Photo: Yamila Pupo Otero

Schools in Holguin for comprehensive education

Schools are open again in Holguin. The school year 2023-2024 has begun, a school period that will demand extraordinary efforts and great pedagogical capacity to achieve the comprehensive education of the students that Cuban society needs so much.

It is not easy to educate in the current circumstances. Economic difficulties have repercussions on the assurance of the school materials that are indispensable for the proper development of this new school stage; however, the most important thing is to have trained educators and safe and inclusive educational centers that provide special attention to schoolchildren in vulnerable situations.

The success of the teaching-learning process in the more than 1,300 educational institutions in Holguín will depend to a large extent on these guarantees, regardless of the many limitations and shortages affecting the people at this time.

The task of the teaching profession entails an enormous responsibility and commitment. As José Martí rightly said: “The happiest people is the one that has its children better educated, in the instruction of thought, and in the direction of feelings”.
Schools in Holguin for comprehensive education 0
Start of the new school year in Cuba Photo: Anier

To prepare humans for life goes beyond providing them with knowledge, the social role of education determines ways of thinking and acting, a vital function to guarantee that today’s students will be men and women in the future capable of behaving with wisdom, honesty and critical conscience, and that with a sense of identity they will generate human values and ethical behaviors in close relation to the civic norms that rule society.

The more than 37 thousand workers of Education in Holguin have the challenge of being drivers of a teaching-educational process that contributes to transform, with motivation, ways of acting for the common good.

Of course, for the achievement of that purpose, it necessarily requires the accompaniment of the family with its guiding role in the organization and control of study habits and schedules.

In times of transformation of Cuban society, teachers and professors need to educate and instruct with emphasis on the formation of values, ethical judgments and greater citizen awareness.

In this sense, Marti’s legacy is particularly relevant: “The true purpose of education is to prepare people to live decently on their own, without losing the grace and generosity of spirit, and without endangering the dignity and strength of the homeland with their selfishness and servitude”.

The reality of today’s Cuba demands higher educational requirements with more participatory and interactive learning methods in correspondence with technological advances and based on respect, honesty and integrity. Education must be adjusted to the historical times in which we live.

Yamila Pupo Otero
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