students, breastfeeding, holguin
Fourth year students of the Medical Career develop a workshop on breastfeeding at Lenin Hospital. Photo: facebook profile Docencia Pediátrico Holguín.

Holguin Workshop on breastfeeding held at Lenin Hospital

A representation of students of the fourth year of Medicine majoring in Holguin gathered at teaching hospital Vladimir Ilich Lenin to share the knowledge reached in the subject of Pediatrics, through a workshop on breastfeeding.

Dr. Jazmín Sucel Rodríguez and Dr. Ana Nastia Tamayo Ortiz, heads of the Human Milk Bank “Luz para la Vida” and of the Neonatology Service, respectively, were present.

The physicians to be explained the unquestionable benefits of the children being exclusively breastfed immediately after birth and during the first six months of life and in a complementary manner up to two years of age.

Among the most important advantages of breastfeeding are the prevention of overweight by up to 13 percent and the risk of type two diabetes by 35 percent during childhood, which contributes to combating non-communicable diseases caused by obesity.

According to the specialized literature consulted, breastfeeding for six months or more is associated with a reduced risk of leukemia in infancy. It also protects against sudden infant death syndrome, considering that there is a 60 percent lower risk of dying from this cause, compared to those who do not receive breastfeeding.

From the affective point of view, the mother-child bond is strengthened. It also provides perfect nutrition and protection against infections and death, since the components of breast milk are the most effective vaccine against several diseases and a unique food that transmits defenses.

But the benefits of this healthy habit are also advantageous for women who breastfeed, as it has been investigated that they have a lower risk of having type two diabetes and various types of cancer, compared to those who do not do it.

It happens that breastfeeding for the mother works as a natural method capable of protecting against possible hemorrhages, postpartum depression and ovarian and breast cancer.

The latter is one of the most frequent tumors among women, so its serious health consequences and the increasingly earlier age of diagnosis have led to a careful analysis of its causes and possible preventive measures.

Breastfeeding is a protective action against this carcinoma, so much so that it has been determined that breastfeeding after the first year of life reduces the risk of suffering it by up to 26 percent and in the case of ovarian carcinoma by 37 percent. Thus, breastfeeding promotes better health for both mothers and their children.

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