Drones, holguin
Use of drones benefits economic and social development in Holguín

Holguín uses drones for economic and social development

The use of drones for the benefit of the economy and society is increasing throughout Cuba and particularly in eastern areas, such as in the province of Holguin, according to a report in the Granma daily.

The newspaper said that these devices help in firefighting, evaluation of irrigation systems and crop monitoring, in addition to providing valuable information and data to relevant sectors of the country.

The publication recalls the effective use of drones in the extinguishing of the large forest fire that in 2023 devastated areas of Pinares de Mayari plateau.

Geocuba Oriente Norte began using unmanned aerial vehicles in 2016. It was the result of a technology transfer carried out by a scientific entity of the Geocuba Business Group, which has a well-organized science and innovation system.

The first national project, carried out with other companies of the Group, resulted in the creation of cartography for the Urban Cadastre, which was followed by its systematic updating in the provinces of Las Tunas and Holguín.

Another sector in which the usefulness of these means is seen in the municipality of Moa. They began with specialized cartography at a scale of 1 in 100, and 1 in 500, for the location of some tailings dams at Pedro Soto Alba Factory and are also working on volume calculations for the mines of the Ernesto Che Guevara Company.

Relations with the tourism sector are extensive, ranging from making promotional videos to surveying and monitoring works.

One in which they participate is the Santa Lucía-Cortadera highway under construction, which links the municipalities of Rafael Freyre, Banes and Antilla.

These are some examples mentioned by the publication that reflect the use of new technologies in Cuba for economic development.

With information from Granma and Prensa Latina  / Translated by Radio Angulo

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