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Cuban flag and doctors

Holguin nominees to National Health Award 2024

Some 15 research works, PhD thesis y articles published in scientific magazines of the province of Holguin will go forward the National Health Award, which is one of the main recognitions of this field in Cuba, to be given soon in Havana.

Adelmar Agüero, president of Provincial Council of the Scientific Societies, said that, among the works included in these themes stand out the primary heath care, pregnancy in teens, the improvement in the quality of services and the formations of human resources.

Also included the treatment to non-transmissible chronic diseases, health promotion and the prevention of transmission of sexual infections, and the Child – Mother Care Program, said the executive.

Also, it was given the Scientific Merit Award for the Life Work to eminent pediatric surgeon Rafael Trinchet, for his relevant contribution to the recovery of the health of children and the attention to congenital malformations in the newly born babies.

For his part Dr. Julio Yamel Verdecia Reyes, director general of Public Health in the province, encourage the professionals to take more active and broader participation in this event as a way to increase their preparation and to spread their research works among their peers from the province.

The National Health Award 2024, in its 47 call, that will be given in Havana next December, is granted to professionals with relevant results in the studies linked to Medicine, in correspondence with the objectives, priorities and challenges of the sector.

It is open to physicians, stomatologists, psychologists, graduates in nursing and health technology, pharmaceutics, biochemistry, biologists, engineers, economists and other specialists and technicians whose work contributes to improving the indicators of care for the population, efficiency and sustainability of institutions and programs.

With information from Agencia Cubana de Noticias / / Translated by Radio Angulo

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