technology, science, holguin, moa
At a good pace Science and Technology Interface Society of the University of Holguín

Science-Technology Interface Society of University of Holguin Fine

The contracts signed during the past year by the Science and Technology Interface Society of the University of Holguin for a value close to three million pesos are a reflection of the sure step with which it has burst into the economic and technological scenario of the province.

Since it began operating in March 2023, the entity, of which the University of Moa is part with 20% of the shares, has made use of the potential of the researchers of the two centers of Higher Education to commercialize a wide number of services with 23 companies of diverse branches.

The director of the Society, PhD. in Pedagogical Sciences Miguel Escalona Reyes, explained that in the first stage of work, according to the assumed strategy, they have concentrated on the execution of marketable projects in training, technical assistance, advisory and consulting services.

They stand out the realization of energy diagnostics, such as those commissioned by the Unidad Empresarial de Base Fuentes Renovables de Energía de Holguín (Holguín’s Renewable Energy Sources Business Unit) and the non-state entity Soluciones Energética Eficiente (Efficient Energy Solutions).

For the latter, the Center for Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing Studies of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Holguin conducted a research on positioning and anchoring of solar panels, which led to the project of the supports for these electricity generators, giving rise to a product to be marketed as soon as possible.

Among other entities benefited are the companies Moa Níquel SA, with which the Society agreed a technical consultancy for the instruction, assembly, adjustment and start-up of an electrical protection device in a generator in a specific area; Cárnica de Holguín (Holguín Meat Company), which commissioned an environmental study on suspended particles, noise and light; and Lázaro Peña Cigarrets company, which requested consultancy in management accounting.

A next step, which depends on the monetary support obtained with part of the profits, is to advance towards financing research projects, said Escalona Reyes.

With information from Germán Veloz – Granma / Translated by Radio Angulo

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