accreditation, university, medical, sciences, holguin
University of Medical Sciences of Holguin receives evaluators from the National Accreditation Board for the accreditation of specialties. Photo: Maylín Betancourt

Holguin: Six more medical specialties under accreditation

One of the most significant processes that the University of Medical Sciences of Holguin is going through this week is the accreditation of six medical specialties: Pathological Anatomy, Geriatrics and Gerontology, Rheumatology, Clinical Laboratory, Endocrinology and Gastroenterology.

According to the President of the Technical Evaluation Committee of the National Accreditation Board (JAN) Edilberto de Jesús Pérez Alí Osmán “this process will accredit the quality of the specialty in terms of impact, the composition of the faculty and students and we will see the work scenarios where these specialists are trained, as well as the quality in a postgraduate specialty.

“It is going to contribute to raising the levels of service that these specialties can offer in terms of improving the health of the people. For the university, it constitutes the way that will accredit it in order to improve the processes that are developed in the university, in the training of the students themselves and of the specialists.”

The external evaluation is a complex process that covers the work of each of the specialties during the last five years. Hence the hard work to meet the required standards.

In this regard, Jenny María Patiño Pérez, Head of the Department of Anatomic Pathology at  Vladimir Ilich Lenin General Teaching Hospital, explained that this specialty in the province has a very well prepared faculty and academic committee, and has always carried out the teaching correctly, complying with methodological meetings, annotated readings and bibliographic reviews.

“The system of work with teaching, its distribution by modules and exams is well organized. So for the formative task we need science and technology because to obtain the product of pathological anatomy, which are biopsies, necropsies and cytological studies, a technological system is needed.

“The specialty has three essential teaching scenarios, Octavio de la Concepción de la Pedraja children hospital, Lucía Íñiguez Landín clinical hospital and Lenin hospital, which is where our residents spend most of their time. We have very good technology that has contributed to teaching, among them the microscopes have very good quality for teaching”.

Dr. Nitza Sanz Pupo, also of this specialty and coordinator of its academic committee, said that “the most important thing in this process is the training quality of our residents throughout the province, so this goal is something difficult and a commitment because this is a specialty that has been operating in the territory since the 1950s and has accumulated a rich history with great exponents and contributions at the provincial, national and international level.  It has precisely been our turn to lead this period of accreditation, which we feel as a responsibility to all those people who trained us”.

On the other hand, representing the specialty of Endocrinology, Dr. Elena Rodríguez Font, head of this service at , Octavio de la Concepción de la Pedraja children hospital, explained that JAN will see how they train their residents in the main training scenarios, these being the three provincial hospitals mentioned above and the Center for Comprehensive Care for People with Diabetes.

At present, this specialty has about 15 residents in training from the provinces of Guantánamo, Granma, Las Tunas and Santiago de Cuba, and in addition to the health care work, including daily consultations, visits and interconsultations in the area related to Pediatrics, it is in charge of teaching the entire Eastern region.

It is foreseen that in the present academic year, the Higher Education center that trains experts for the Health System in the territory of Holguin, which belongs to the Ministry of Higher Education, will also face the external evaluation of other specialties such as Neonatology, Adult Intensive and Emergency Care and Anesthesiology.

At present, the university has 14 accredited medical specialties, 12 with the maximum evaluation of Excellence and two ones Certified.

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