students science forum, health, research, Student, Scientific Forum, Holguín
Student Scientific Forum in Holguín

Students Science Forum boosts research skills in medical students

For health science students, gaining research competencies is an inherent skill in undergraduate education. Hence the relevance of scientific events at this level, such as the recently concluded Students Science Forum in Holguín, which offer the opportunity to influence the health field with concrete proposals for solutions to health problems currently faced by the population of this northeastern territory.

Frank Miguel Hernández Velázquez, Secretary of Teaching and Research of the University Student Federation at the University of Medical Sciences of Holguín, explained that Students Science Forum was organized in such a way that all the students of the different years of the Health Sciences courses of the branches and affiliates attached to the university could participate. For this purpose, this forum in its 44th edition was held both virtually and in person and included work by classrooms, depending on the number of papers per degree program.

For example, Medicine had three rooms where students presented bibliographic reviews, original articles and clinical cases, while Nursing and Health Technologies had two rooms and one room for Stomatology and English.

Current demands require graduates to use the scientific method in their student and professional work, knowledge that was put into practice in the more than 60 papers presented by students from the provincial capital city and other municipalities that have faculties, branches and affiliates of the health sciences. Nowadays, research is conceived as a process that links academic and extension activities, taking into account competencies that make it possible to solve problems of professional practice based on scientific methods.

The scientific results were awarded in correspondence with the contribution, scientific rigor and timeliness of the topics presented. Hence, the selected Relevant and Outstanding works will be those that will represent Holguín in the event at country level, conceived for September 2023.

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