health, Holguin
Health professionals receive training. Photo courtesy of interviewee

Train health professionals on the prevention of communicable diseases

Given the increase in rains in recent days in the territory of Holguín, the rate of communicable diseases increases, which is why health promotion and education specialists provide training and advice to Primary Health Care (PHC) professionals.

According to Yanet Calzadilla Guillen, master of science, responsible for the educational component of communicable diseases in the province, “with the purpose of monitoring the health promotion actions carried out in the PHC to increase educational actions, these trainings are carried out for professionals. In this sense, the tasks that the Basic Health Teams made up of the family doctor and nurse are capable of articulating in the communities are essential to prevent an increase in the transmission of these diseases.”

Among them is COVID-19, hence the necessary call to continue complying with hygienic measures for prevention, such as the use of face masks in places where there are crowds of people and maintaining frequent hand washing. Family protection is emphasized, especially children under two years of age, one of the age groups most vulnerable to contagion.

Dengue is another of the diseases that increases its incidence in the rainy season because the Aedes Aegypty mosquito is not only the transmitting agent of Dengue but also transmits yellow fever. In relation to the above, the population can contribute by carrying out the autofocal in the house and its surroundings, which is nothing more than compliance with a set of hygienic measures that must be carried out every seven days.

Calzadilla Guillen explains that among the favorable actions are draining the ditches, keeping the roofs without water accumulating, adequately controlling the disposal of solid waste, burying the tires of obsolete vehicles, keeping the bottles upside down, not having plants in water and keep the tanks where we accumulate water tightly covered to prevent the mosquito from becoming a larva during its reproduction life cycle, starting to fly, biting and starting the chain of transmission.

Hence, the objective of the provincial department of Health Promotion and Education with these trainings serves as a reflection for the population and all institutions to promote educational activities that translates into raising the level of knowledge about communicable diseases.

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