Cuba, anciant, Health
Full old age. Photo.

Full old age

Ensuring a full old age is one of the main objectives that are closely followed in the municipality of Banes, and for which we are all responsible. Cuba is one of the most aged countries in Latin America, and we are definitely certain that by the year 2050 we will be one of the nations with the largest number of older adults in the world.

But the acceleration of the process does not cease to surprise also in that territory belonging to the province of Holguin, if we take into account that in only seven years the proportion of elderly people has increased notably. This is the reason why the third age is a stage to which innumerable attentions are dedicated as part of the systematic work carried out by the Ministry of Public Health in coordination with other organisms.

The family’s protagonism

But in the opinion of this journalist, the family in general is the true protagonist in the care of our older adults. We could start by giving them their space and respecting their opinions, which in most cases come with the experience of many years of life, so that they are not only the ones who run errands or take care of the grandchildren just because they are the ones who have more time available.

Although grandparents’ homes are an excellent opportunity for our elders to socialize and feel a little bit safe, they do not solve all the needs of love and affection that only the family nucleus provides. And so we could list a huge list of things that can improve their quality of life.

Becoming a grandparent is a privilege to which we all aspire and in part is fulfilled by the life expectancy that exceeds 70 years, but a pleasant old age is a responsibility of all of us who live and interact at home or in the street with these people who demand almost the same attention as a child.

Above all, it is very important that the elderly person considers himself/herself capable of assuming challenges, because old age is not exempt of satisfactions and opportunities to live with dignity and to be better human beings every day.

By: Lilian Ferias Perez (Radio Banes)

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