Puericulture, consultation, hospital, pediatric, holguin

Childcare week closes in Holguin

Given the importance of childcare in the attention of children from birth to adolescence and the…

attention, geronto, geriatrics

Geronto-geriatric training for medical students promoted in Holguin

In view of the serious health problem that population aging represents for Cuba, Dr. Juan Carlos…

medical, genetics, holguin, cuba

Holguin: Network of genetics, early detection of congenital defects

In Holguin every year multiple congenital alterations are identified early during gestation, thanks to the coordinated…

University, Medical, Sciences, Holguin

Workshop on Disaster Management in Health ends in Holguin

The National Online Workshop in response to the project “Comprehensive Disaster Management in the Health Sector…

therapy, yoga, ataxia, holguin

Holguin: Alternative therapies for the treatment of Ataxia

Rehabilitation therapy based on yoga is one of the alternatives applied in Holguin province for the…

provincial, center, attention, diabetics, holguin

Specialized center in Holguin promotes diabetes prevention

With a group of health promotion activities, the Provincial Center for Attention to Diabetic Patients in…

rapid, test, microbiology, holguin

Contribution of rapid tests to microbiological diagnosis

With the most recent incorporation of rapid dengue and leptospirosis tests at the Octavio de la…

sector, vulnerable, attention, medical

Medical program benefits vulnerable sectors in Holguín

Stomatology services in the province of Holguin include a prioritized program for the benefit of at-risk…

neonatology, services, holguin

Neonatology services in Holguin boost work by nurses

Since February 19 and until February 24, the Open Doors days are taking place in the…

Attention to the elderly strengthened in Holguín

The province of Holguin perfects the attention to the elderly through a wide program to improve…