ronel, contest, 26, de, julio, far
Holguin-born poet Ronel Gonzalez Sanchez was awarded in poetry and décima poetry in the 43rd edition of the 26th of July National Literature Contest, organized by the FAR. Photo: Taken from Facebook / Confluencia

Awarded poet Ronel Gonzalez Sanchez in FAR National Contest

The results of the July 26th National Literature Contest of the Revolutionary Armed Forces (FAR), in its 43rd edition, ratified Holguin as an inexhaustible quarry of poets, as is the case of outstanding Holguin writer Ronel Gonzalez Sanchez, who became the first to win two awards in the same edition, in poetry and décima poetry.

In a ceremony held at the Mausoleum to Lucía Íñiguez Landín, in the Plaza de la Revolución Mayor General Calixto García Íñiguez Monument Complex, the author received the awards for his books Obertura cubana and La dignidad clandestina, respectively.

According to Ronel, the books are two texts on the history of the process of formation of the Cuban identity from Félix Varela to the present, including the independence deeds of the 19th century, the most significant personalities and events.

He pointed out that the booklet La Dignidad Clandestina contains décimas poetry dedicated to Haydee Santamaría, José Martí, Ernesto Ché Guevara, Frank País and other Cuban heroes who dignify the Homeland.

He added that he felt very fortunate for both awards because thirty years ago he had presented other titles that obtained Mention.

During the meeting, Mention in the research genre was also given to Las concepciones político-militares en el pensamiento martiano, by Jorge Miguel Puente and Israel Escalona, from Santiago de Cuba.

Mention, diploma, 26th of July National Contest of the FAR, Holguin

The ceremony was presided over by Colonel Fernando Fernandez Garcia, second chief of the Department of the Political Directorate of the FAR, and was attended by leaders of the Communist Party of Cuba, Culture, Uneac and the Holguin Military Region.

Since its constitution in the 1960s, the July 26 Award has distinguished works and authors such as Alrededor del punto, by Adolfo Martí Fuentes; La décima dijo tú, by Carilda Oliver Labra; Y dulce era la luz como un venado, by Ricardo Riverón Rojas; Una cosa es con guitarra, by José Luis Rodríguez Alba; Días de naipes, by Nieves Rodríguez; and El racimo y la estrella, by Roberto Manzano, among others.

In 2023, Ronel González (Cacocum, 1971), received the Raúl Gómez García medal for more than 25 years as a worker in the Culture sector, the Cintio Vitier scholarship from Uneac for a literary research project and the América Bobia National Poetry Prize, organized by Ediciones Vigía, from Matanzas, for the poem “Albatros de Baudelaire”. He also won mentions in the Emilio Ballagas National Novel Prize, of Camagüey; in the Hermanos Loynaz Contest of Pinar del Río and in the Julio Cortázar Ibero-American Short Story Prize.

With information by Osvaldo Pérez Díaz and Bernard Cabrera

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