Gastronomy, Holguin
Comfort, variety and quality of the gastronomic offers and affordable prices are decisive factors to achieve preference. Photo: Carlos Rafael Díaz

Radio Angulo news program tackles gastronomy in Holguin (II)

Multiple deficiencies were recently detected in 65 gastronomy facilities in the city of Holguin. This situation derived an analysis with directors of the companies involved, suppliers and leaders of other organisms related to this matter, in which Ernesto Santiesteban Velázquez, first secretary of the Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba in Holguín and Manuel Francisco Hernández Aguilera, Governor of the province, participated.

In special broadcast of Radio Angulo, the population of Holguin was able to know and exchange about this reality through its program Puerta de Enlace, with the presence of directors of Gastronomy entities of the provincial capital.

Administrations respond

Jorge Alberto Calderín, director of El Polinesio Restaurant in a 12 Story Building, explained some of the problems faced by his unit, mainly related to the hours of service, shielding himself in the energy situation in the country, since El Polinesio requires a large expenditure of electricity with the elevator and the main console for air conditioning.

Now, he explained, they are implementing another working system that includes a lunch service for companies and for the entire population, from 6:00 p.m. to 10:45 p.m., on a first-come, first-served basis or by means of a reservation bureau.

For her part, Isladis Ricardo, director of El Mesón, emphasized the problems presented by one of the units attached to her branch, Cafeteria Los Álamos, which provides a very sensitive service because it is located in the funeral parlor of the same name.

However, in coordination with Public Health, the services are recovered on the second floor, 24 hours a day, with the attention to relatives in the chapels, which includes food and coffee, whose raw materials are not obtained through self-management, hence the prices are differentiated.

Yoan Jesús Ramírez, director of Restaurante Venecia in charge of another distinguished and visited restaurant, the 1545, explained that the latter has maintained a stable work, so it was not pointed out in the analysis with the authorities; however, the Venecia, located on Holguin’s Boulevard, presented a different situation, mostly marked by violations in service schedules and the scarce variety in the offers.

“From a redesign of the proposals, we increased the menu by adding dishes such as spaghetti, cheese balls, croquettes, as well as Creole dishes and a diversity of pizzas, a distinctive product of the place; together with this, Venecia decided to extend its service hours until 11 at night, as long as customers come, to bring life to Holguín’s nightlife,” he said.

Chocolateria, Holguin, Cuba

Chocolateria, holguin
Chocolatería Holguín is a reference for the variety and quality of its offerings. Photo: Carlos Rafael Díaz

Yusimí Almaguer, director of the Chocolatería (Chocolate Parlor), whose main unit is distinguished by the variety and quality of its products, which is a benchmark for the rest of the establishments, joined the dialogue.

The manager explained that “this unit includes El Cauto Restaurant, located on the corner of Morales Lemus and Martí streets, which has experienced an awakening, as well as El Acuario Restaurant, in Pedro Díaz Coello neighborhood, with a very popular place during the summer season: El platanal de Bartolo (Bartolo’s plantain field). Also La Tropical, in one of the 18-story buildings, with a small restaurant that provides services every weekend, a pleasant space with good proposals that is gaining followers”.

According to Yusimí Almaguer, El Bosque Cafeteria, which had been forgotten, has reinvented itself to offer thematic spaces aimed at specific sectors of the population, including children and young people, as well as restaurant service in the evenings.

Reynaldo Barrera Cruz, director of Mayabe Valley country barbecue, referred to the large influx of customers to the facility, not only in summer, with which the commitment is towards an efficient service; however, it is also up to him to serve the sensitive cafeteria of the Clinical Surgical Hospital, where “we cannot lower our guard since it was recognized during the tour of the authorities the balance in the offers, except for the soft drink”, to which is added the university cafeteria of the Celia Sanchez headquarters of the University of Holguin.

Barrera Cruz said that in the particular case of the provincial hospital they do not seek a wide level of utility, but a minimum, as long as it does not imply losses, “with this we guarantee affordable prices and an attention directed to patients, relatives and health personnel”.

Finally, Mercedes Arias, manager of the Guamá ice-cream parlor, where they offer products that come from self-management, whose main supplier is Combinado Lácteo (Dairy Industry), joined the debate; however, the level of supply is poor (monthly they receive 20 boxes of 4 liters each, which means 780 rations in a day).

Through new economic actors such as MSMEs, he said, the ice cream offer is complemented, but it does not have the same quality and the price is high.

Comfort, good treatment, quality and variety of food and affordable prices are key to recovering the confidence of the population of Holguín in the state gastronomy, but this will not be effective without the joint work of administrations and workers and attention, first and foremost, to the demands of customers. / Aniel Santiesteban García.

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